AshleyAug 30, 2023Dear Daddy, It's been a year, Dear Daddy, It's been a year since you passed and so much has happened, so I wanted to write you this letter and catch you up. I made it...
AshleyOct 31, 2022Goodbye, Dad 🖤Two months ago today, we said goodbye to dad. I've started writing this post SO many times, and haven't been able to finish it. As any of...
AshleyNov 13, 2019Are you a Carer?Today I am attending the Carers NI summit as part of my job with HDANI. I have been invited along to have a stand to talk to anyone...
AshleyOct 8, 2019PEG FEEDING….Sorry what?Please rise you hand if you have any idea what PEG feeding is….. Because I had no idea! But I’ve come up with a new idea, when someone in...
AshleyJun 28, 2019HDSA Convention – Day 1Hey everyone! So today was the first day of the HDSA Annual Convention!! What a day!! I AM EXHAUSTED !! So it began with a 4am alarm...
AshleyDec 4, 2018Siblings- A Huntington’s PoemIn 2014 I was entered into the Lady of the Erne, which I guess you could call a pageant here in Ireland. I was extremely lucky to have...
AshleyDec 29, 2017Ground Breaking News- Where were you when you heard it?I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas, I certainly did and I can’t wait to bring in the New Year. I am extremely excited about 2018 as I...
AshleyDec 7, 2016PGD- Will I ever have children naturally?{ Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is best described as a version of IVF (In vitro fertilisation) it is a method used so that...
AshleyDec 4, 2016My Experience Testing for Huntington’s DiseaseRecently I had the opportunity to be on the Help4HD radio show, during this show I spoke about the testing process here in Northern...